Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Real Life Superhero

"'They were astonished and said, "Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?'" - Matthew 13:55

My three year old is the bravest little kid until it's bed time and the room is dark. All of a sudden, he sees monsters everywhere, just like tonight. Our conversation went like this:
Ashton: Mommy, monsters!
Me: No, there are no monsters here... Guess who defeated them?
Ashton: JESUS!!!! (Bursting out in an excited laugh)
Me: YES!!!! Jesus defeated all of the monsters!

Two minutes later he was fast asleep. Why? Because we need to feel someone is there to be our defender, our protector, someone who stands for goodness.

I was completely taken aback this Halloween when I noticed almost everyone was a superhero! I wondered what that said about the way society was feeling. It means we long for that defender, for the person who inspires hope like Superman, or brings justice like Batman. Well, isn't that who Jesus is? When it comes to the life He lived, to the things He did, Jesus represents everything a superhero embodies, except that He is real and His powers are real and able to save us from all distress. In the same way my son fell asleep in peace because Jesus defeated all those evil monsters, shouldn't we have the same faith that Jesus is the superhero in our lives and able to conquer all of the things that are trying to defeat us?

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, thank You for being the superhero of our story. Thank You for protecting us, dying for us, resurrecting for us, and continuing to inspire hope and conquering evil in our lives daily. May we always turn to You for protection. In Your Name we pray, amen.

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