Monday, March 21, 2011

His Children

"Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name; your walls are ever before me." - Isaiah 49:15-16

My 7-month-old son has pretty bad separation anxiety. He even prefers me over my husband. Sometimes I'll be busy with something around the house and as much as my husband tries to please the baby, he cries miserably for me. My husband thinks he's got to outgrow it and learn to be ok with other people, so he teases him a bit. I get upset because the baby probably doesn't understand anything except that he wants me to pick him up. I just can't stand to see the tears well up in his little eyes and the way he follows me around in despair, so I hurry up, swoop him up and hold him tight. I love him so much!

When my son was born and I felt this immense love for this little person formed inside of me, I realized that's how God loves me… that's how He loves you. As imperfect as we are, He made us capable of great love, but our love is only a sampling of the love God carries within Himself for us. I've learned that God is like my husband in that for my good He tries to teach us lessons so we can grow stronger and not be afraid all the time. I've also learned that God is like me in that He can't stand for me to cry and look for Him, needing Him, and not show me He's right there to pick me up… except that His love is even deeper… and some lessons are so important that He can't swoop me up right away because I need to learn them. My son may not understand for quite some time why his father lets him cry or why I don't run over right away, as we don't understand God's ways and question His love for us. However, that doesn't mean He's not there. That doesn't mean His heart isn't hurting right along with mine, as I hurt for my son when he cries for me and I can't pick him up. This kind of love can't end or be lessened depending on our behavior. As God puts it to Isaiah, "See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name; your walls are ever before me," …and so it is with each one of us.

Today's Prayer:
Father, let me see and feel Your love. I am Your child, help me to feel like it and be confident in it. Help me to trust in You and look to You for guidance always. In Jesus' Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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