Saturday, September 15, 2007

Spiritual Illness

"While Jesus was preaching the Word to them, some people brought a paralyzed man to Him. When Jesus saw the faith of these people, He said to the paralytic, 'My Son, your sins are forgiven.'" - Mark 2:2&5

Needless to say, the paralytic got up and started walking, but did you know that without a real relationship with Jesus, you are also sick? One of the major effects of the first sin of Adam and Eve was mortal death; we weren't supposed to die until that fall from grace. The well-being of our souls is intricately attached to the very health of our bodies. In the case of the paralytic, the sin took a physical hold of him, but in many cases, it's a mental hold. Many people live with grudges, anger, depression, hate - all of these are mental and emotional diseases that do have a proven connection to stress which leads to heart problems or major anxiety. Jealousy, envy, pride leads us to argue with a loved one and we refuse to apologize, spending years not talking to that person. Or many times the shame and consequences that come with committing a certain sin causes us to isolate ourselves from others. Is this what you really want your life to be? You need to go to the foot of the cross and realize that it is there that Jesus Christ has defeated sin; leave your own sins there at His feet. You no longer have to carry that dead weight around, release it for the Lord has already paid the price for you. If the weight of a sin, the guilt, the anxiety, the shame, the hurt, the pain, causes you to grieve, stay up at night, remember the paralytic and approach Jesus. He will forgive you of your sins and release the hold it has on your soul and your body. Imagine how liberating it is to no longer hold on to something that has brought you so much grief! Seek healing for your soul and for your body.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, thank You for being the healer of our souls and our bodies. Help us to recognize the sins that are making us ill so that we can make amends and be reconciled to You. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

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