Friday, September 14, 2007

In Constant Contact

"Pray at all times as the Spirit inspires you. Keep watch, together with sustained prayer and supplication for all the brothers." - Ephesians 6:18

Just like in the Looney Tunes we watched when we were younger, we have two voices in our heads, one trying to tempt us into sin, and the other leading us to God for the good of our souls. When it comes to prayer, the truth is that most of the time, we don't feel like praying. Don't think that religious people want to pray 24/7 because it's not true. Yes, it is so rewarding to go into the Lord's presence, but a lot of times we just want to be left alone, or we're too tired to pray. But when we allow ourselves to be tuned out like this from being in contact with God, how do we expect God to speak to us or make Himself known to us? Each of us hears that little voice inside of us, nudging us from time to time that we need to pray. But here scripture is telling you that it is the Spirit of God speaking to your heart, telling you to go to Him and speak to Him. You might hear it faintly if you are not used to recognizing it, but if you learn to pay attention to it, God will speak louder to you each time. Do as the scripture says and pray each and every single time you are inspired to. Don't ignore the voice because you don't have time, you are too tired, or you can't pay attention, because it is God that gives you the time you have and He should come before everything else. When you learn to listen to His voice and let yourself be led by Him, then you will receive true blessings in your life. You will no longer find yourself begging and crying in a time of need, because your communication with God will be constant and the gifts and protection He gives you will be continual and abundant; you will no longer even need to ask Him for anything because He gives freely.

Relax your mind right now, do you hear the voice? Do you feel the need to connect to your Father in Heaven? Don't miss this call and go be in His presence.

Today's Prayer:
My Lord, forgive me for the times that I brushed aside Your call because I didn't have time or didn't care to make the time. I seek to put You first and be in constant contact with You. Please help me stay in union with You always. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

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