Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pick Up Your Cross

"Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me." - Matthew 10:38

As long as we are in this world, things will never be perfect for us.  There will always be a hardship we are enduring.  There will always be a problem to keep us humble and keep us dependent on God and His mercy.  Remember, we are not of this world, so the puzzle pieces of our lives will never be complete.  These trials and hardships are our crosses to bear and as followers of Christ, we must do as He did and carry them along to the end.  And yes, that does sounds terrible and painful, doesn't it?  But think about what the cross did for us!  It actually gave us life! It bore fruit that at the end was worth all of Jesus' suffering and then some! 

Think about what your trials are right now and ask yourself how you are bearing that cross?  If you are complaining and rebelling against God in anger for having it in your life, what purpose does that serve you? What fruit are you producing with that attitude?  On the contrary, if you take up your cross and carry it, asking Jesus for help daily, it will strengthen you.  You will grow your spiritual muscles so that it becomes easier to bear, purifying your heart and mind in the process.  You will become closer to Jesus, more like Him, His follower, His friend.  You will be able to see the fruit that bearing your cross will produce in your life.

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, help me to bear my cross.  Help me to pick it up each day when I am tired and feel like I can't go on any longer.  Remind me, my good Lord, that my life belongs to You and You reward us for our faithfulness.  Give us the strength we need each day to follow You.  In Your Name we pray, amen. 

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