Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life Outside of Facebook

Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight, and followed him. - Matthew 20:34

One of the things that makes Jesus so special is that He really understood people. He knew when they needed their space and He knew when they needed to be reached out to and touched. This quality makes me think so much of facebook and the way we communicate now. We talk to one another and share our world through facebook, or we text. We hardly make phone calls anymore. Through these means we know all about our family and friends without even having to talk to them,… well, almost because they can't tell us the condition of their souls. Unless our friends disclose it, facebook can't tell us if they're suffering. Or, unless we decided to share it, others won't be able to tell when we actually need them.

This is why Jesus made it a point to get out there and touch people. If Jesus walked the Earth today like He did back then, I think for sure He'd text and be on facebook, but I also know He'd visit each one of His friends to see what their real status is. He'd want to personally be there to say congratulations when someone shares good news. He'd want to be there to comfort when someone is having a rough day. He'd want to be there to listen to work vents and all the random things that happen to us during the day. It's about personally reaching out to someone with a phone call, or better yet, actually connecting face to face. There's love and healing in that. There's real intimacy in that and not the impersonal relationships we share nowadays. There are days when we can share with our friends from afar, but there are days we need to be personal and feel. Make sure to do that for somebody!

Today's Prayer:
My Lord, help me to reach out to those who need a friend, to those who need You. Help us to not hide behind facebook and other impersonal forms of communication, but to experience face to face, human to human contact once again. Help us to actually share together and not from a distance. Bring us together, Lord. In Your Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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