Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God's Ten Percent

Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood." - Mark 12:43-44

When you pick up your coat from coat check, you usually tip and put $1 in their little basket on the counter. Unfortunately, that basket resembles the baskets that go around the church on Sundays during the collection. If you agree to pay for something its because you believe its worth the asking price, and so you pay for the latest smart phone, iPad, iPod, shoes, bag, fancy restaurants, video game. These items give you entertainment, make life a little easier and may even make you feel a little better about yourself, but the Church is there to enrich your lives. It baptizes your children and buries your dead. It's there to help you with the forgiveness of sins and to get you through painful times. You have priests and pastors who give of themselves selflessly during the times you need them the most and have no where else to turn. Is $1 or $2 really the price you put on that?

God asks for love. When you love, you give the best you can. Give the best you can to the Church which feeds your souls. Jesus admired this widow because she gave from the love in her heart, whereas everyone else dropped their chump change into the collection basket. With the next paycheck you receive, give to God what you feel the Church is worth. Only you and God know what that amount is. You don't have to go broke, but you should make a more proportional contribution. And don't worry about parting with that money… if there's one thing God has shown me time and time again it's that He always reciprocates in huge ways.

Today's Prayer:
Father, You give to me freely and abundantly. Make my heart more generous with Your Church. Teach me to give and not worry about myself, but to be more concerned about helping others. Let me know the importance of contributing every Sunday to the needs of Your Church. In Jesus' Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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