Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Religiously Correct

As a result of this, many (of) his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. - John 6:66

Jesus was a controversial figure because He provoked a strong reaction from everyone He met. No one was left unaffected by an encounter with Jesus. In this passage in John 6, Jesus had told His followers that He is the bread of life, His "flesh is real food" and His "blood is real drink." This completely shocked the majority of the people who were following Him. You have to remember that this happened right after He had just fed thousands with the multiplication of the loaves of bread and fish, and now most of these people found what Jesus just said hard to swallow. But did Jesus stop them and say, "hey, no… wait… let me explain." No, He didn't. He let them walk away. Jesus spoke the clear truth. He never sugar-coated a thing for anyone's approval. He said what needed to be said at any cost and then some.

If Jesus were walking the earth today, He would be even more controversial in our overly politically-correct society. He would have all kinds of groups angry at Him demanding public apologies. The sad part is that you and I are supposed to be Jesus today, and we're not. At least I know I'm not. I know I've shied away from speaking my mind on what I really think about taboo subjects such as abortion and separation of Church and State. I never want to offend anyone, or have anyone think I'm closed-minded for my beliefs, so I've kept them to myself many times. I'm definitely not doing what Jesus would do, and I'm not doing anyone any good with my silence. I need to learn to walk in the light of the truth. It's either I please people or I please God.

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, give me the courage and conviction I need to speak the truth like You did. Take away my fears and speak through me the truths You need me to stand for. Most of all, give me love in dealing with Your children so that my words may not hurt anyone, but instead strengthen their faith. In Your Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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