Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Give, Give, Give

Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. - Luke 6:30

I think the Lord is trying to teach me about generosity. Last week, at my parish's Lenten Mission, the priest told us that if there's anything God isn't good at it would be mathematics. Jesus tells Peter to forgive 77 times, He said that if someone asks you to walk one mile with them go two miles, and although He knew how many people were present at some of his teachings, whenever He would multiply the loaves of bread and the fish, there were always baskets left over. In math one side of the equation is always equal to the other, but with Jesus He gives much more than is called for.

The next day someone asked a favor of my father through me. I know this person has fallen short of their word before and I was almost certain he was going to say no, but when I asked him, he said yes without hesitating. "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief, and he replied, "Audrey, if you could ever do someone a favor, do it." Needless to say he shut me up, and God did as well. We always tend to think of things as what's fair and what's not fair. What does someone deserve and what doesn't someone deserve. God is showing me there is no fair in His book, there is only give. If it's in your ability, just do it without holding back,… no equations,… no taking back,… just give.

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, although it's hard for me to give without holding back and questioning, I am glad you give me much more than I deserve. Take my heart and make it more like Yours so that I can also give freely without hesitating or wondering if it's fair or not. In Your Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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