Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Behold The Lamb of God

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." - John 1: 29

Today, as my husband and I stood in mass and as a community we said these words, tears came to my eyes because I pictured Jesus, beaten, alone and scared, carrying the cross on His shoulders. The image of this one, innocent person carrying all of the world's sins upon Himself - my sins and yours - caused me pain and I prayed that His great sacrifice wouldn't be in vain in my life or in the lives of my family and friends. My pride, my jealousy, my anger, the gossip I choose to participate in all make the weight of that cross heavier, but He did it all so that I wouldn't have to live with all that ugliness inside of me and suffer for it. However, it's so hard to change and so hard to think that these every day things we choose to do are so bad that Jesus had to go to the cross for them. But they are. One small slip leads to another and before we know it we can't even remember the last time we went to mass or actually prayed… and worse yet, we might not even care.

The good news is that Lent gives us a chance to repair it all little by little. Jesus doesn't ask for holiness overnight, but He does ask for you to open the door as He knocks on your heart. You hear Him, don't you? Go ahead and open the door. Be honest and let Him look at you and tell you what needs to go in your heart. He's done SO much for us because He loves us… don't take His sacrifice for granted in your life.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, thank You for the sacrifice of the cross. Allow our hearts and minds to be receptive to Your voice so that we may always be grateful for all You've done for us. In Your Name we pray, amen.

Lumineux: Letting God's Light Shine

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